The last two years have been like watching a train wreck in slow motion as the world tried and failed to grapple with a deadly pandemic virus that has at this point killed 750,000 people in the US and 5 million people around the world.
I used to have some optimism that in our darkest hours that humanity would rally together and fight for the greater good, but the pandemic has proved to me beyond any doubt that there is no 'greater good' and that for the most part the forces that really drive us are greed, and fear.
I was stunned to watch as we miraculously procurred vaccines in record time, and then immediately turned to the poorest countries in the world and told them to get in the back of the line. You would think that with a deadly virus raging out of control that we'd set profits aside and try to stamp out this wildfire, but no.
No, we'd rather let the virus mutate forever before giving vaccine doeses away for free.
I sort of feel the same way I felt after the Parkland elementary school shooting, if this doesn't move the needle, nothing is going to move the needle.
Looking forward to the climate crisis and the outlook is bleak, if we can't handle the clear and present danger facing us right now, what hope do we have of staving off climate catastrophy?
I find all of this actually depressing, so that's how I've spent most of the past 2 years. Taking care of my kids, and battling crippling anxiety.
Speaking of which, now that my kids can get vaccinated there is a light at the end of the tunnel, I don't expect things to get back to 'normal' but I do expect to be able to breathe again.
As far as game development goes, I've been too busy to really do much honestly. I've continued to take game dev courses but haven't really executed anything. I do have a new workstation coming finally so I'll be able to use two monitors which I hope will help with my productivity...but fedEx lost it, and there's a chip shortage so I have no idea when the new machine will actually arrive.
This isn't at all what I intended to write about, but I was asked to just write something, so...