This is just another one of those little notes to myself about something that is certainly going to happen again and I'm definitely not going to remember how I fixed it, so here we go.
A while back I noticed that I could no longer choose a background image for my blog posts, there's usually an image picker in the blog creation widget, and it was just gone. I thought that I must have uploaded the wrong version of the sites source code, but I couldn't find any recent changes and it was really stumping me. Finally I realized that all of this stuff is controlled inside of the admin panel of the orchard blog. The reason the image picker wasn't showing was because I had somehow removed it from the model, which may have happened when I tried to roll back some changes a couple of years ago.
I ended up having to edit the Content Type
for Blog Post
which is located here abouts: /ContentTypes/Edit/BlogPost
and then I add to add a new Field
not a new Part
, and that's it. So I'm pretty excited to re-learn that, it means I can start making more custom pages in my blog.